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The Super Bowl and Real Estate...This Got Me Thinking...

The Super Bowl and Real Estate...This Got Me Thinking...
The Super Bowl coming up tomorrow (2.3.19) got me thinking about something to do with real estate and property management... and it’s something you can actually help me with.

Recently, as you can imagine...I saw an article floating around the wonderful Internet and FB, talking about how much people hate the Patriots. 

Some poll said they’re the most hated team in football right now.

That’s just the nature of sports. Rivalries exist. Fans pick sides. No shocker there.

The Patriots certainly have their true fans, so there’s no need for them to care, or do anything about the hatred.

Besides, they couldn’t win everyone over even if they tried.

However, just one player can change people’s perceptions.

See, people who hate The Patriots hate the team… not necessarily the individual players.

In fact, one Patriots player was quoted as saying that he used to hate the Patriots. 

And… he is not the first one, and may not be the last one and he played until he was cut.

However, everybody wants to be a part of a winner.… and coaches, fans, and players managed to change how certain people feel about the team as a whole. 

I would like to be that player, that fan, that coach, in a sense, and change people’s perceptions about real estate.

So, let’s compare real estate to the Patriots.

A lot of people dislike real estate agents — as if all real estate agents and property managers are on one big team.

And people have their reasons for disliking both.

Most agents and property managers look at it as part of the game… like there’s nothing that can be done about it, so there’s no need to sweat it.

Which makes sense to some degree, I guess.

But most real estate agents and property managers also take how we are perceived to heart. (At least I do.)

They just wish the perception were different…

… while not really doing anything about it.

However, I would like to.

So what frustrates YOU about real estate agents and property managers?

See, some people reading this are my true fans — people who support me in this business despite how you may view real estate agents and property managers as a whole. I know this, and appreciate it.

But even though you might be a fan of mine, you might still look at real estate agents as a whole with some amount of distrust or frustration.
And some of you might not be a true fan of mine. (Yet.)

Maybe you simply got on my e-mail list by signing into an open house, or a form online, for instance. So, maybe you just look at me as one of the players on a team you hate… real estate agents and property managers in general.

Which is why I’m writing all of this.

I want to hear your thoughts on what you hate about real estate and property management. What frustrates you about the business, or agents, or property managers? What would you change if you were in charge?

I won’t take offense. I’m looking at this objectively. Nothing personal.

So, please… vent, rant, complain, or gripe to me! I can’t promise you a magic pill, but I’ll listen and do what I can to solve your frustrations.

I want to help change the game, wherever and however I can. In the least, I aim to change the perception of the players… one true fan at a time.

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