We all know you should never take an overpriced listing. But let's be real: Almost every agent does it at one point or another. Well, except for "Tom" from Texas who'll probably comment on this post and say how he'd nevvvvvvver do it. Good for you, "Tom"...good for you. But for the rest of you who couldn't bring yourself to say "I'm out!" and took on one (or two) in your career, you'll surely relate to this article. (Spoiler alert! You come out on top at the end!)
1. When you land the listing appointment...
2. When you're jotting down all the reasons the seller says their house is "unique" and better than any other on the market...(You know...custom Formica countertops aren't something every house has!)
3. How you look after you've finished going over your CMA, waiting for them to react to your recommended list price...
4. The look you give when they ask if you can be flexible on the listing price...
5. When they tell you how much they actually want to list it for...despite your thorough market analysis.
6. What you THINK and WANT to say to them when they want to list their house too high...
7. Your look as you reluctantly agree to "give it a try" at their price at least for a little while...("We can always reduce it, but we can't raise the price!")
8. When they start blaming you for their house not selling a few weeks or months into the listing...(Couldn't be their price!)
9. Your look when they ask you to do even more marketing and open houses than you're already doing!
10. When they ask, "Then what's going to get my house sold?!" (Asking for the right amount of it!)
11. When they tell you they're considering listing it with another agent... (And you KNOW they'd probably just lower their price to where you've been recommending the whole time...)
12. How those other agents look when the client decides to stick it out with you...
13. When they tell you fine, we'll stick with you, and reduce the price to what you've been recommending... (And it sells within days of doing so.)