Property Management Blog

Action Alert | Tenants Take Action | Renters Relief

As you know, Congress is in the midst of debate on how to proceed on the third phase of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are encouraging renters to drop a quick email to their House and Senate members to express their support for the efforts these members are undertaking during these unique times and to reinforce that the package contain direct federal rental assistance to families and individuals who suffer a loss of income during the COVID-19 crisis. It only takes a few seconds to send an email. (text of email is below and your property address will be required to show that you are a renter) If you know anyone else that is renting (they do not have to be renting from PG Management Group), please feel free to share this information with them as well!!

Click the SEND EMAIL NOW button and it will take you to the form and it will send the letter for you!


Here is the text in the email you will be sending to the following members of Congress:
  • Senator Thom Tillis
  • Senator Richard Burr
  • Congresswoman Alma Adams

As a renter and a constituent, I wanted to thank you for your leadership during these unique times in which we find ourselves. Please know that Americans stand with you and support the bipartisan work that has already been done by Congress to provide relief to American families impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. As you move forward, I would urge you to support financial assistance for renters. COVID-19 will cause financial challenges for many renters. Congress should provide short-term financial assistance to help ensure renters are able to provide shelter for themselves and their families. Thank you for your service to the nation and for your consideration of my views.
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